Our Governors
We are fortunate that we have a motivated and hard-working group of Governors all committed to supporting the schools and ensuring their maintenance and continued improvement.
The role of Governor is one of “critical friend” ensuring that we hold the school to account by monitoring the effectiveness of their Christian vision's and asking the right questions of the senior team. It is a strategic governance role and not tactical.
Meet the Governing Board
Please click on a Governor to view their roles and profile.
Governors - Chair (ID 1045)
Simon BuntChair
Simon Bunt
Chair of Governors
Local Authority Governor
Computing Governor
Governor Hub Governor
Link to schools:
I have 4 Children, my youngest attended Little Marlow and all 4 have attended Holy Trinity, they are now 12, 15,20 & 24 yrs.
Professional background:
I have been running my own electrical business for the last 18 years, we cover a wide range of domestic and commercial electrical works.
Previously I worked in retail and hospitality.
Personal interests:
There aren't many hours left in the day after running around after four children, but I do enjoy spending time on DIY projects at home and helping with PTA events.
Term: 27th November 2023 to 26th November 2027
Governor Type: Local Authority Governor
Phil LundVice Chair
Phil Lund
Vice Chair of Governors
Premises, Health & Safety Governor
Maths Governor
Science Governor
Link to schools:
I have two boys (aged 5 and 6 years old) who both attend Little Marlow Infant school.
Professional background:
Before I became the primary carer of our two boys, I spent 15 plus years as a police detective. I worked in a variety of specialist departments including anti money laundering and County lines. Previous employment included client sales and local government. Periodically I have undertaken higher education qualifications in a range of subjects including: politics, law, art & design and compliance.
Personal interests:
I love taking my boys on new adventures and helping them find new passions. For myself I gravitate towards triathlons, golf and snow sports. I am also an active member of Releaf Marlow (tree planting in Marlow).
Term: 23rd August 2022 to 23rd August 2026
Governor Type: Foundation Diocesan Board of Education Appointed
Governors - Heads (ID 1046)
Julie FieldFederation Headteacher
Julie Field
Federation Headteacher
Governor Position and any specific area of focus:
School Governor - Federation Headteacher
Link to schools:
Federation Headteacher.
Professional background:
Prior to moving into teaching I worked for many years in I.T. working for a number of large software companies promoting I.T. solutions across Europe. After having my second son I decided to make a career change and undertook teacher training.
Since then I have been fortunate to work in a number of different schools across Buckinghamshire, where I have been able to gain a wide range of experience from Nursery to KS2. I have also been fortunate to be a part of a number of collaboration projects working with local schools, the local community and schools across Europe. I have a passion for helping children to learn in a fun and memorable way.
Personal interests:
I have 2 grown up sons that are currently studying at university so am exploring what life is like post children. When time permits I enjoy travel, swimming and country walks.
Governor Type: Co-opted Governor (Federation Headteacher)
Kirsten HarjetteHead of School HT
Kirsten Harjette
Head of School - Holy Trinity
Support of Disadvantaged Pupils Governor
Governor Position and any specific area of focus:
School Governor - Holy Trinity Head of School
Link to schools:
I have two children who attended Little Marlow and then moved on to Holy Trinity. Previously I have been a governor at Little Marlow and have been an active member of the PTA at both schools.
Professional background:
I am originally from New Zealand and this academic year (2022 - 2023) marks the beginning of my 18th year at Holy Trinity. Prior to joining the school in 2005, I was a teacher and Course Team Leader at Uxbridge College. I taught on the professional teacher training courses for adults and I also managed a range of teaching courses as wells as NVQs for teaching assistants and the Certificate and Diploma in Counselling.
When I started at Holy Trinity, I retrained as a primary school teacher. My training gave me a firm understanding in both key stages, but I was destined to be a KS2 teacher. Prior to my appointment as Head of School, I have worked as a class teacher across all year groups, a Year Group Leader across years 3, 5 and 6 and last year I was the Acting Deputy Head Teacher at Holy Trinity. I am incredibly proud to work for the Federation and I am passionate about creating a teaching and learning environment where the children are inspired, challenged and nurtured.
Personal interests:
Time is taken up with catching up with my sons, who now live and work in London, travel, dog walking and reading.
Governor Type:Co-opted Governor (Head of School)
Governors A-Z (ID 1047)
Leanne BurnsParent Governor
Leanne Burns
Parent Governor
Art, Design & Technology Governor
Safeguarding Governor
OFSTED Readiness Governor
Link to schools:
I have 3 children in attendance at Holy Trinity, Oliver in Year 6, William Year 4 and Emily Year 3.
Professional background:
I have worked as a paediatric nurse for over 20 years in a variety of settings, both in the community and in hospitals. I am still in clinical practice working in intensive care as well as delivering first aid teaching across many different disciplines.
Personal interests:
I am a keen runner as this not only allows me to continue to eat cake, it is also a great benefit for my own mental health.
Term: 2nd September 2022 to 1st September 2026
Governor Type: Parent Governor
Beth DavisParent Governor
Beth Davis
Parent Governor
Personnel Governor
PHSE Governor
SEND, Nurture & Wellbeing Governor
Link to schools:
My son attends Little Marlow School.
Professional background:
Prior to becoming a fulltime mother to my son aged six and daughter of eighteen months, my experience has predominantly been in working with children, families, the elderly and the vulnerable within different capacities over the course of my career. It currently feels like a life time ago.
I worked in the NHS as a Community Healthcare Assistant Practitioner. Previous to that I was a Learning Mentor for Buckinghamshire County Council, providing pastoral support to children in education. I have also worked with children with severe learning difficulties and challenging behaviours.
People have been at the core of all of my roles. My work in all capacities was fundamentally to provide support, overcome challenges and improve outcomes. I believe in treating people holistically. I hold the belief that much more can be achieved for an individual who feels loved, respected, valued, secure and empowered to make good choices. This contributes towards a healthy, happy, confident mindset far better prepared to deal with the challenges of life.
Through my various roles, I have seen first-hand the positive impact supporting physical health and mental wellbeing has upon a person. In partnership with the federations’ senior leadership team and governing board I support and champion all efforts to promote both school communities (children and staffs) emotional health and wellbeing.Personal interests:
I have a greater sense of wellbeing when surrounded by my family, friends and nature. I benefit from time spent outdoors, gardening, walking and playing with our children, exploring the world again through their eyes, admiring the beautiful landscape and nature that surrounds us. I love to slow the pace down, follow their lead with no agenda and turn off the convenient, intrusive ‘mobile’. I enjoy travel, tennis, golf, skiing, music and dance.
Term: 2nd September 2022 to 1st September 2026
Governor Type: Parent Governor
Daphne DruFoundation Governor
Daphne Dru
Foundation Governor
Development & Succession Planning Governor
Implementation of Reading Framework Governor
Modern Languages Governor
PE Governor
Link to schools:
My granddaughters attend Holy Trinity School
Professional background:
I was a primary school teacher for 20 years, finishing my career as Headteacher of an Infant School and Nursery. For most of that time I also served on the Governing Board as a staff member. I have also worked as an Adult Learning Tutor, teaching parents how to support their children with maths and reading, using phonics.
Personal Interests:
I enjoy gardening and walking our 2 rescue dogs. I also like to relax by knitting and sewing. As a member of St John the Baptist church in Little Marlow, I am on the Parochial Church Council, and on the 4u Team Council as the Parish Safeguarding Officer.
Term: 24th January 2023 to 23rd January 2027
Governor Type: Foundation Parochial Church Appointed
Rev Fiona EllinghamFoundation Governor
Rev Fiona Ellingham
Foundation Governor
EYFS (Early Years) Governor
Federation Sustainability Governor
Link to schools:
I am Team Vicar at St John the Baptist Church in Little Marlow which is part of the 4U team of churches. Little Marlow School is linked with St John the Baptist Church and I lead Collective Worship regularly at Little Marlow as well as supporting the School Council and Eco-club. Pupils also come to St John the Baptist for services, concerts and educational visits.
Professional background:
I trained at King’s College Hospital in London before completing a degree from the University of Manchester in Nursing. After 8 years in practice, I then worked in sales and marketing for 18 years. I trained for ordination part-time in Guildford (2013-16) whilst working full-time. I was curate in Burgh Heath and then became Team Vicar at St John the Baptist Church in September 2023.
Personal Interests
I have one older child and love singing, country walks with our dog and cruising the canals
Term: 9th November 2023 to 8th November 2027
Governor Type: Foundation Parochial Church Council Appointed
Beth HallFoundation Governor
Beth Hall
Foundation Governor
Art, Design & Technology Governor
Federation Sustainability Governor
Personnel Governor
SEND, Nurture & Wellbeing Governor
Link to schools:
Professional background:
Personal interests:
Term: 24th January 2023 to 23rd January 2027
Governor Type: Foundation Diocesan Board of Education Appointed
Rev Sarah JonesEx-Officio
Rev Sarah Jones
SIAMS Governor
Collective Worship Governor
RE Governor
Link to School:I am Team Vicar at All Saints Church in Marlow which is part of the 4U team of churches. Holy Trinity is linked with All Saints Church and I lead Collective Worship regularly at Holy Trinity. Pupils also come to All Saints for services, concerts and educational visits.Professional BackgroundI studied History at Oxford University and then worked in Parliament and in Public Affairs for 9 years. I trained for ordination in London (2013-16) where I studied Theology. I was Curate in Reading and then became Team Vicar at All Saints Church Marlow in April 2021.Personal InterestsI have two older children and love reading and country walks.Term: September 2021 - PresentGovernor Type: Foundation Ex-Officio -
Imogen NowellStaff Governor
Imogen Nowell
Assistant Head of School (LM)
Staff Governor
Pupil Premium Governor
Support of Disadvantaged Pupils Governor
Link to schools:
Year 2 Class Teacher, Little Marlow
Professional background:
I have worked for the Federation of Holy Trinity and Little Marlow CE Schools since undertaking my degree at the University of Reading, graduating in 2016. After studying Primary Education with Art, I came to work at Little Marlow as the EYFS Teacher and have since moved to teach in Year 2. At Little Marlow I lead a range of subjects including Reading, Writing, Phonics, Physical Education, and Art. I am passionate about the teaching and learning of phonics, and enabling all children with equal opportunities to learn.
Personal interests:
I have an extremely bouncy golden retriever whom I love to take for muddy walks in the countryside. I practise yoga and am also a keen golfer.
Term: 1st September 2022 to Present
Governor Type: Staff Governor
Thorsten PolleitFoundation Governor
Thorsten Polleit
Foundation Governor
Link to schools:
Professional background:
Personal interests:
Term: 8th February 2024 to 7th February 2028
Governor Type: Foundation Parochial Church Council Appointed
Maureen SmithFoundation Governor
Maureen Smith
Foundation Governor
English, Reading & Writing Governor
Music Governor
Writing Across Curriculum Governor
Links to school:
I have no links to Holy Trinity but I am a member of St John the Baptist Church which has good links with Little Marlow School.
Professional Background:
I am a retired teacher/deputy head.
I started my career as a geography teacher in Maidenhead. After quite a long career break raising my 3 sons, I returned to the primary sector teaching in Bourne End and later in Slough. In Berkshire I progressed from leading maths to becoming deputy head at a very large multicultural school of over 800 pupils. I was very much involved in the management and leadership at the school but my main focus was a[ways teaching and learning. Throughout my career I have experienced many changes and challenges but I am happy to say that I never lost my love of teaching and my ability to learn new things.
I am definitely enjoying my retirement but I'm now pleased to be a member of the Governing Body here and giving something back to the world of education.
Personal Interests:
I have many interests and am particularly excited by all things artistic. I spent 25 years being an active member of a local amateur dramatic group performing in anything from comic light opera to musicals and Shakespeare. I recently moved to Marlow and joined the local Community Choir and have enjoyed singing choral music. I have always loved art and have been brushing up my skills in watercolours and drawing. I volunteer locally in a charity shop and community cafe and really enjoy helping out whenever I can. We do live in a very beautiful part of the country and perhaps my most regular happy pastime is walking my lovely little dog along the many pathways in and around Marlow.
Term: 17th October 2022 to 17th October 2026
Governor Type: Foundation Parochial Church Council Appointed
Robert WhiteFoundation Governor
Robert White
Foundation Governor
Premises, Health & Safety Governor
Equalities Governor
Link to schools:
I have no direct link with the schools but my wife and I worship at All Saints Church, Marlow.
Professional background:
I retired in July 2023. Before that I worked as a Chartered Surveyor and for over 20 years was Property Director of a private company which owned five hotels, two rural estates and various commercial investment properties in Mayfair and Soho, London.
Personal interests:
My wife and I moved to Marlow from South London in August 2023. We have a son and daughter who are both married and live in London. We enjoy walking and gardening.
Term: 8th February 2024 to 7th February 2028
Governor type: Foundation Parochial Church Council appointed
ACademic year 2024-2025
We have 13 Governors and 0 Associate Members in post.
ACademic year 2024 -2025 - governor vacancies
We currently have 1 Foundation Governor vacancy.
If you are interested in learning more about the role of a governor or would like any further information do not hesitate to contact Our Chair.
Governor Information
Governor Attendance Registers
Governor Letters
There are no documents to display at present.
Social Media