How we developed our curriculum
Our curriculum has been developed based upon the context of our school. We have considered gaps in pupils’ backgrounds and how we wish the children to leave us when they progress to junior school. We have secure models for progression in the core subjects and, although we have a topic based Curriculum, we ensure that there is a close focus upon progression through individual subjects. Leadership is distributed throughout the staff team and regular curriculum reviews ensure our curriculum reflects our intentions.
Curriculum Intent at Little Marlow School
A Christian ethos permeates the curriculum at Little Marlow School and enables children to learn in a peaceful and supportive environment.
Our curriculum:
Builds on children’s natural curiosity to sustain their interest
- Provides challenging experiences which promotes enjoyment and fosters greater depth learning
- Develops a love of reading and enables children to apply writing and mathematical skills in all subjects.
- Ensures children understand the importance of, and have the knowledge, to stay safe physically and mentally, in and out of school
- Ensures progressive coverage of the EYFS and National Curriculum in topic based learning through effective planning and leadership
- Grows pupil’s self-esteem and confidence enabling children to respect themselves and others
- Develops loving relationships and ensures children are able to cooperate and work as part of a team
- Enables children to express their opinions and articulate reflections on learning
- Provides purposeful activities which develop problem solving and resilience leading to independent learners
Our Little Marlow creative curriculum was planned to ensure that each child has a range of opportunities to develop, engage and achieve. This bespoke curriculum meets the National Curriculum for England and Wales and offers numerous activities, which deepen children’s understanding of the world around them.
Whilst our topic based curriculum covers all areas of the curriculum, we still offer discrete subjects, including Maths and Religious Education.
For an overview of the topics planned for this year, including some of the proposed activities, please view our Curriculum Overview document below. Please note, specific activities may change throughout the course of the year.
To help your child at home you can:-
Encourage children to write (shopping lists, letters, greetings cards)
Read together every day
Read signs, posters, magazines, labels, game instructions etc
Use magnetic letters on the fridge
Use bath crayons, shaving foam, pens and pencils to practise writing sounds and words
Try not to use letter names but say the letter sounds
You can find out more using the links below:
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